2023 Gigs - Strictly Dan Live at The Bedford

2022 Gigs

  • We played some great venues and had some lovely audiences in 2022. We also met so many enthusiastic Steely Dan fans at our gigs. Thank you to all of you for the warm welcomes you gave us in our first proper year of gigging -

    At the Brunswick in Brighton in October,

    At the Bedford, in Balham, in London on 11th September,

    At the Eastbourne Yacht Club in July,

    In Hastings’ St. Mary in the Castle - such a great Listed Venue,

    Also at the Anglers Club in Hastings,

    At the Trinity Theatre in Tunbridge Wells,

    At the Bedford for the first time in March,

    At the Sevenoaks Theatre Plaza,

    And looking right back to our very first ever gig at the Robertsbridge Club in East Sussex.

    We’ve had a wonderful first year as Strictly Dan coming out of the No Play years of lockdown and enjoyed every minute of it.

    We have some great venues booked and lined up for 2023. Look for these on our Upcoming gigs page on this website and watch out for our new ones on Facebook, Instagram and eventbrite.

    Here are a few fond memories for us from our plays to date…

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2021 was our getting started year - here we are playing at Robertsbridge and at the Stag Plaza in Sevenoaks….